Explode Your Business! (written May, 2013)
Here are some quick tips to help your business explode with success!
Tip #1 – Remember that you’re only looking for a few good people! Many top distributors in MLM companies have only a few people in their downline which represent 90% of their monthly bonus check! You don’t need to sponsor 10 people every month to be successful. You only need to sponsor and train a few good people to make “big things” happen.
Tip #2 – Learn from your “MLM mistakes” – be a product of the past, not a victim of it! Leverage all of your knowledge, experience, successes. Everything!
Tip #3 – Be enthusiastic! Tell your own story. If you are not excited about your opportunity, neither will be the person that you’re talking with.
Tip #4 – Work 30 years for a $1,200/monthly pension? Some people are willing to work 30 years to earn $1,200 monthly pension and aren’t willing to work 30 days in MLM for the same! Don’t be one of these people. Don’t give up or get discouraged! Stick with it!
Tip #5 – Success is simply a numbers game. Who’s going to be more successful? The person who talks to 1 person a week or the person who talks to 50? This is an obvious tip. Unfortunately some people miss it. Talk to people about your opportunity all the time and advertise to the masses!
Tip #6 – Have confidence. Consistent confidence always wins. 100’s of psychological studies have shown us that people are attracted to confident people! Are you confident that you have the best company out there? Do you know you’re with the right one? Let people know that!!
Tip #7 – Work with the willing and drop the duds. Don’t let the “duds” bring your spirits down. Be an encourager, but not a cheerleader! If you have someone that rains on your parade, drop them quick and don’t feel bad about it! Surround yourself with supportive, understanding go-getters. People that you would like to emulate.
Tip #8 – Run an ad in your local paper to sell your products. One of my good friends earns over $8,000 monthly and she still runs the same 30 word classified ad!! Run that “cheapo” ad every week and by the end of the year, many good things will come from it!
Tip #9 – Develop a 30, 60, or 90 day massive action plan. Plan, Do, Review. Make a plan. Follow your plan. Review your plan. Repeat!
Tip #10 – Put your blinders on! Over 60% of the industry’s top income earners (over $10,000/mo) have never been in more than one company!! You can’t work three businesses as effectively as you can work one. It’s common sense. Don’t forget it.
Tip #11 – Be natural. Be yourself! People know when you’re being genuine. “Fake it till you make it” is out! Don’t stress! “All you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough!”
Tip #12 – Leverage everything! Leverage your time. Use conference calls to talk to 10-110 people instead of one at a time! Leverage your money. Use co-op advertising! Remember that John Paul Getty quote about preferring to make 1% on the efforts of 100 people rather than 100% of his own efforts. Put people to work for you, like your upline, your downline, your magazine publisher, your mailing list broker, your voice mail company!! Leverage! Leverage! Leverage!
Tip #13 – Spend your time well! Are you building a business or playing with a hobby? Either one is fine. Some people are in MLM to make money to get more free time. Others are involved for the social benefits of MLM, like meeting people, having fun, entertainment!! Know which one you are! It is important!!
Tip #14 – Don’t ever give up! Try, try, try and don’t ever give up on your dreams!!
The author of this article is Larry Costello, President of All-American Print & Mail, 2200 Wilson Blvd #102-57, Arlington, VA 22201.